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Feb 2017 - Little Fant Farm Life

We have definitely noticed a warming up of the weather, and one weekend we even had our

T-Shirts on! But thats not to say it hasn't been cold either , we are still working in woolie hats and jumpers and had snow showers.

The daylight hours are getting longer and we are finding we have alot more time to spend outside now and get the farm jobs completed.


We had some great news this month - we are now pleased to be farming extra land next to our Pear Orchard.

Our first job was to create an entrance into the field, so we can get in and out of the field easily with the tractor.

There is alot of 'tidying up' needed and some love put back into the land before we can even start with our new ideas.

The whole area will need ploughing and designing, where we hope to grow Pumpkins and develop a small 'Flower Farm' and have pick your own flower days.

For this to hapapen this year we have to have the field ready by April, so not long and many hours of work yet to be done.


Our Shetland Ponies always keep us on our toes, and Pumpkin spent many a day in February on his own in the farm, as Orlando thought it would be great fun to keep disappearing through the hedgerow!

We have now tightened the farm security with a few prickle bushes and branches covering the gaps and Orlando seems to have put a stop to his ramblings. I'm sure it won't be long before he finds some other form of mischief!

Our Chickens seem to know Spring is just around the corner and are laying very well, and this month we got our first Goose Egg of the year!

The Geese have a short laying season and become extremely protective of their Eggs, where we get greeted by alot of hissing and the occasional charge towards us, but overall they are still very friendly.

We incubated some of the eggs last year but was unsuccessful in hatching a Gosling, so we will try again this year and fingers crossed we will have some success.


Our Sunday Farm Yard Tea Barn is one of our favourite days of the week, and it is lovely to meet everyone and great to see you all enjoying our farm produce and the farm.

It makes all the hard work worthwhile.


March sees the arrival of our Piggies, and the countdown to our Easter Farm Fun, can't wait!

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