Farleigh Lane,
East Farleigh,
Maidstone Kent
ME16 9LY
Farm Safety - Little Farmer Club/Farm Visits
Please ensure you and your child follow our simple farm rules to make your visit to our farm safe and enjoyable.
Feeding and Touching the Animals
All animals naturally carry some micro organisms which can be transmitted to humans where they may cause ill health.Whilst the hazards are real the risk of infection is low and can be readily controlled by following these simple practical steps which will make your visit even more safe, healthy and enjoyable.
You MUST ensure that you and your children wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling the animals and particularly before consuming food and drink, under 5s please supervise.
Washing facilities are located outside the Tea Barn Paddock, and in the toilets.
DO NOT – consume food or drink in the animal areas.
Expectant mothers should refrain from handling all sheep and lambs
When feeding our Pigs, please ensure child are supervised and food is thrown over the fence.
Please No feeding of the Ponies.
DO NOT – enter any animal enclosure
In the event of an accident First Aid may be obtained from any member of staff
Risk and Liability
We cannot accept any liability for any loss, damage or injury to persons or property however caused.
Your children and your belongings remain YOUR responsibility whilst visiting Little Fant Farm
Wear suitable footwear, our farm can be slippery and uneven